The Great State Of
San Andreas

Our Mission
It is the mission of the San Andreas Highway Patrol to provide security and safety to members of the public throughout San Andreas, ensuring that the welfare of its inhabitants is our upmost concern. It is our sworn duty to leave no path unexplored, leave no hights untouched and leave no highway unpatrolled. We are the thin line between our citizens and the dangers they bring to not only themselves but to others and it is with our training and efficiency that we grow forever stronger in their hearts and minds, a familiar face when the path is uncertain, a hand to hold when times are rough. It is with great certainty that when they call, we pick up the phone and we fulfill our purpose as Troopers and serve them with pride, dignity, and respect.
That when they are in a time of need, they call upon us, the San Andreas Highway Patrol.
What We Expect
In the past, it can safely be said that the SAHP has held some of the best records in history, in terms of training, activity and all-around professionalism. A long-time has passed since the glory days of simplicity and basic service and it is our hope that with the ever-evolving times, the department may maintain it's long-held status.
We at the San Andreas Highway Patrol expect nothing less than dedication, professionalism, resilience, courage, and teamwork for all our officers, from those applying for the department or undertaking the academy all the way up to the Administration Staff - These values are consistent throughout the department and are the building blocks for a hard-working and committed Trooper.

Traffic Service Unit
-Coming Soon-

Chain Of Command
The Commissioner of the Highway Patrol is the highest-ranking member in the Department and is responsible for the department as a whole. They must listen to and implement features to improve the department and have the final say on all issues.
Deputy Commissioner
The Deputy Commissioner is responsible for running the administrative side of the department. As well as updating the Commissioner on department activities and major concerns within the department and overseeing Command Staff Operations.
Assistant Commissioner
The Assistant Commissioner is in charge of organizing and listening to the department's supervisors, ensuring the members are both listened to and watched closely, especially among lower ranks. They must also deal with complaints submitted regarding the senior staff and other higher-ranking officers, as well as keeping the other command staff informed about decisions taken regarding promotions and demotions.
The Chiefs are part of the command staff team. They oversee all department policies, patrols, divisions, supervisors, and procedures. They work with the Assistant Commissioner to decide on major choices, such as Sub-division Directors and Department Supervisors.
Assistant Chief
An Assistant Chief is the highest-ranking officer within the department who does not hold an administrative position. They report to the command staff about the progress of any and all supervisors, sub-divisions, patrol units, department policy, and much more. The will ofter oversee large patrols and can deal with any issues brought to them by other Senior Staff members without following the chain of command unless they deem it necessary.
A Captain is the first rank in the Senior Staff team and is responsible for assessing and watching Sergeant and other supervisors. They must report back to higher command regarding disciplinary actions that need to be taken and have a major input in decisions made that directly affect members. At this rank, officers are now eligible to be watch commanders for the department in the absence of higher command.
A Lieutenant is the highest rank in the SAHP Supervisor team, responsible for watching and looking after the newly promoted Supervisors and Training Staff to ensure they are receiving the correct training and guidance to help them develop into natural leaders. In the event that a member of the Administration Staff or Senior Staff is not available, information regarding patrol and promotions may be passed down to officers of this rank.
Sergeant - Master Sergeant
The next three ranks are the first supervisory positions within the department, allowing officers to be dispatched to scenes requiring someone with higher authority than the initiating officer. Officers of this rank are also able to now direct a sub-division if the opportunity becomes available.
Corporal - Senior Corporal
A Corporal is the Departments's first Training Supervisor rank and proves you have outshone others in the field. You are now eligible to begin your Supervisor Training Course and apply to be an Academy Helper if you so wish.
Trooper I - Trooper III
Becoming a Trooper pf the Highway Patrol means you are officially a member of the SAHP. Trooper I is the status given to all officers after the complete their probationary course. Trooper III is the official rank where you may apply to be apart of a subdivision.
The first steps onto the career ladder with the San Andreas Highway Patrol. This is the entry-level classification given to all civilians who sign up for the Law Enforcement Academy.
The SAHP's Air and Coastal Divison is responsible for the security of San Andreas' surrounding waters and airspace. Ensuring safety and reliability to the citizens of the state by enforcing transport and trafficking laws of boats, planes and other transport vehicles as they provide goods and services to the public.
The (ACO) is split into 3 primary groups: ​
Coast Guards - Protection and Enforcement of Laws on, and around, the public waters and beaches of San Andreas. Deployed on Bicycles, Boats and Patrol Vehicles, it is your sworn duty to patrol the beaches and oceans of our state, to ensure the public safety.
- Vessel Boarding and clearing
- Dive units
- Vessel Pursuits and Incidents
- Public Beach Callouts
- Public relations/information
Air Support - "The eyes in the sky" for all units across San Andreas. From Air Pursuits to Felony Servailance, you are the watching guardian angel for Law Enforcement and all other Emergency Services alike as they go about their day to day duties. However, being apart of the most well know air fleet in San Andreas is no easy feat, it takes skill, commitment, dedication, and most certainly love for heights.
Port Authority - The first line of defense against the foreign threats our great state faces. From surveillance of transport vehicles and the investigation of foreign goods to the execution of illegal International trade busts, there really is no place we don't cover. Patience and quick thinking are key when numbers aren't on your side